Thursday, September 17, 2015

Santa Fe,NM to Amarillo, Texas

Yesterday we enjoyed Canyon Rd. In Santa Fe. It was so interesting and inspiring, the galleries were all so unique.We then headed up into the mountains to Taos.We explored for a few hours,took pictures & had a wonderful New Mexican cuisine lunch.We loved seeing all the pueblo style buildings and red peppers outside drying. We even stopped for a photo op along side the Rio Grande River. We have to say we have been pretty lucky with weather so far.Our trip to Amarillo was cool, then warm & breezy. We continued to see smaller mountain ranges and many large ranches. We stopped at Cadillac Ranch and had to spray paint "TomKat" on one of the cars! Fun! After walking a few hundred yards back in 90+ degrees we made a great decision to have a Dairy Queen Blizzard supper! We continue to head south & East. Tomorrow we will stop for some "big sister"& brother in-law time :-)

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